SUNDAY SERVICE Join us in person at 10:30 AM or watch us online! WATCH LIVE


What's new at Omaha Church of Christ?

Upcoming Events:

OCC 2025 Calendar


22- Beast Feast Men's Event (rsvp here)

29- Beloved & Dignified - Women's Intl. Day Event

30- Potluck (All Nations Service)


19- Easter Egg Hunt and Craft Day

26- Heartland Teen Prom - St. Louis

30- Churchwide midweek, meal @6:30


4- Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

10- Spring cleanup with ABIDE

18- Special Missions Sunday


8-14- Heartland Youth Camp 

28- HOPE bbq / giveaway

29- Potluck (all Nations)


5- Heartland Singles Event Omaha

19- Men’s Day

30- Churchwide Midweek, meal @ 6:30

31-3 ICMC - L.A.


2- HOPE back to school kick-off with ABIDE

3- Kingdom Kids Teachers training meeting

9- Field Day 2025

29- Heartland Jubilee in KC


14- Potluck (All Nations) 


5- Harvest Worship Service 

10- Heartland Campus Retreat

18- Heartland Teen Monster Mash

29- Trunk-or-Treat churchwide midweek


8 Annual Lessman Gingerbread Party

23-24 Thanksgiving Baskets

30- potluck 


6- HOPE Christmas store 

14- Christmas Play

20- End of Year Party

Sunday Worship Service

Join us for our Sunday Worship Services. You can expect a welcoming environment, vibrant worship and a message based on the Bible. We would love to meet you and connect.

What: Worship Service

When: Every Sunday at 10:30am

Where: 1920 Robertson Dr. Omaha, NE

Special Events

Mental Health Survey & Seminar

In effort to meet the needs of the members of the Omaha Church of Christ we would like you to take a few minutes to fill out this brief survey that focuses on mental health and biblical teaching and don't forget to RSVP to the seminar.

Beloved & Dignified - Women's International Day Event

Beloved & Dignified is our event this year to celebrate and uplift women during Women's History Month. Visit our event page for more details.


Midweek Schedule Beginning February 2025

Every FIRST Wednesday of each month men’s MW, 7 PM @ OCC Bldg

Every THIRD Wednesday of each month women’s MW, 7 PM @ OCC Bldg

Weeks 2 and 4 of each month are small groups

Every month w/ 5 Weds will be church-wide meal times at 6:30 (April, July, Oct)