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Sermon Notes

Focus on the Spirit

Under the Influence

We’re in the middle of the year and reengaging with our 2024 theme Focus (community, unity, equipping)

Behind the “What” we do is the “Why” - theme scripture Ephesians 5:15-17 “Be very careful then how you live- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil, Therefore do not be foolish but understand what the Lords will is. 18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

By allowing this passage to speak to us we gain clarity on the biggest Questions we have - what's our identity?, how do we know?, and how are we to live? 

3 pairs of opposites to help us recall.

Not as unwise but wise (time) / not foolish but understanding (discerning the Lords will) / final pair of opposites: Filled with Wine or filled with the Spirit. 

What happens when one is filled with Wine - Drunk. leads to recklessness - why? What happens?

We give control over to something else. We are under the “Influenced.” We are under the power of this other force - pushed by this to act in harmful ways. Speak and behave in ways that are reckless. The danger is very real and I have to be very careful, many of you have decided no more alcohol - You remind me of…

Prov 31:4 “It is not for kings, Lemuel—it is not for kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer, 5 lest they drink and forget what has been decreed, and deprive all the oppressed of their rights. 6Let beer be for those who are perishing, wine for those who are in anguish!”

But its not just alcohol that we can be drunk on, not just wine that can have power over us, many things can influence us. maybe other drugs, sex, food, shopping, popularity, money, attention, media, etc. Whatever it might be for you the message is clear - We are all being controlled by something! Being filled  Do not give into those influences drive you away from your calling - do not be filled with that, do not get Drunk but instead be filled by the Spirit.


We need to be under the influence of the Spirit. Does the Spirit control You? Before we look at how - Do you even know Who the Spirit is? Many of us have focused on what the Spirit does not do and we don't actually know who the Spirit is. We have a very thin understanding of the Spirit. We don't have time this morning for an in depth, deep dive on the Holy Spirit - But I want to give us some thoughts and things to consider - ponder over 

OT “ruach” - breath - concept of “Shekinah” - the descent and indwelling of God in time, at a particular place and a particular era of people and in their history., - its God’s self, His presence with his people. When Jesus comes on the scene. Jesus is God in the flesh. He’s the Son, God the Father but also there is always the Holy Spirit. Throughout Jesus' ministry, we see that the Spirit was the primary partner. Jesus was conceived by the Spirit, anointed by the Spirit, led by the Spirit, strengthened by the Spirit in temptation and trial, empowered by the Spirit to work miracles, and sustained by the Spirit through his passion and death. Raised to life by the Spirit. Everything Jesus does is by power of the Spirit!

The sending of the Son and the sending of the Spirit - Their Missions are intertwined and equal. What the Spirit was to Jesus, the Spirit becomes to us as the Fathers adopted children.  

Why is it hard to notice? - The mission of the Spirit to glorify the son and we honor the Spirit when our attention is focused on Jesus.

Quick thoughts about who the Spirit is

The HS is not a lesser member of the Trinity.

The HS is the power of God’s inbreaking reign.

The HS is not tame spirit.

The HS is the giver of life.

The Spirit is the Source of transformation. The HS given not only for our own benefit but as power for participation in the mission of God! It is Gods Power 

We desperately need the Spirit! We need to rely on His power for Gods mission, not our own power or our own mission. 

How are you led by the Spirit? How do you know its the Spirit?

Christian atheist = Believing in God but living like he doesn't exist. What does this look like?

I control myself, I'm the master of my fate, the captain of my soul. Its like using an oar to move our boat. Get to your destination by your own power.

Using our power to achieve it - and you might get there, but you will find yourself exhausted and empty - Drunk on the goal you set to achieve. 

Is there a different way? Yes - We must Lay down our Oars. Oar is about our power instead we must build a Sails. A sail relies on the wind to move, the Spirit lead us to unexpected places and people, where God is. Our lives moved by Gods power into Gods will, with us submitting to his direction. 

Lets not glamorize it, lounging the breeze is carrying you relaxing, no effort. No we will be led by the Spirit to the hardest work we have ever done, it’s more difficult but it’s meaningful and fulfilling. It's a different way of being, and living. Not by our power. It transforms us but we don't have control. The Holy Spirit’s leading must be discerned over time with waiting and prayer as our way of life. This work consists of both postures and practices. A set of attitudes and beliefs around the notion that God will show up with power in certain ways. Things like a rule of life that creates a posture that anticipates that God will take initiative in the world and that God’s intentions will become apparent over time. Its scarier, its riskier. It’s true faithfulness to God, his presence fills every part of our lives.

We’re told exactly how to know that we are filled with the Spirit, there is a test that shows if we’re under the influence.

We talk to each other in scripture

We sing to the Lord

We are thankful for everything

We submit to one another.

When the sails are filled by the Spirit we are propelled to a new place. In this new place we learn to speak in songs hymns and spiritual songs, We Sing to the Lord, we are thankful for all the gifts and we submit to one another. We speak and act different because we are under the influence.