SUNDAY SERVICE Join us in person at 10:30 AM or watch us online! WATCH LIVE

Rhythm of Life

Orienting a Kingdom of God focused life

Embark on a journey of discovery

Daily Practices


Embrace a regular prayer life. Rejoice always, pray continually, giving thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thes. 6:16-18

Being in the word:

Man shall not live by bread alone, 

but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4.

Spiritual Discovery Lessons and Homework. Even Just reading 20 minutes a day through the lesson and the homework will have you prepared to share at each group meeting.

In addition to the study in Spiritual Discovery some of you may 

want to follow a two-year Bible reading plan .


Additional Resources You Can Consider

Bible study resources (introductory videos, each book of the Bible),,

How to Read the Bible Book by Book, by Gordon Fee

Weekly Practices

Sabbath (Rest)

Sabbath, or Shabbat, is an extended period during the week with rest and worship. It is a time that belongs to the Lord. The purpose of the Sabbath is to cease from work and focus our attention on God in thanksgiving. Observance of the Sabbath is not a means of salvation, which is what Jesus and Paul both challenged in their teaching, but still honoring its original intent.

Recommended Readings: Subversive Sabbath, by A.J. Swoboda, 

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, by John Mark Comer

Shalom (Peace)

A pervasive concept in scripture that most commonly relates to a relationship of love and loyalty with God and one another. Peace, along with grace, is a common greeting in almost every New Testament letter.

The New Testament writings frequently encourage believers to live in peace with one another, which requires that they maintain relationships based on love, loyalty, and care. This type of relationship characterizes the kingdom of God (Rom 14:17) and is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22) and wisdom (Jas 3:17–18). Those who make peace—even within the context of the Church itself—are called sons of God, are blessed by God, and will receive their final reward.

Small Groups (Biblical Meditation and Mindfulness)

Groups of 6-12 people meetup to build community, grow spiritually,

pray for one another, and to help learn the power of meditating on God's word.

Bless One Another 

To bless another is to offer special prayer. To ask God to care for and protect (someone or something); to provide (a person, place, etc.) with something good or desirable.

Bless one person this week. Alternate between someone within and outside of the church.

Sunday Gatherings

A time to encourage and strengthen what it means to be the people of God.

Share Meals 

Household meals with conversation should be common.

Eat with one person this week outside of your household.

Alternate between someone within and outside of the church.

Be intentional about including people who don't look like you.

Monthly Practices


Such as from food (not water), health permitting, or social media, etc... for a period.

Ministry Teams

Serving the body of Christ, building up the body.


In your current context, where can you steward the work of God for the good of others?

This can be small or large, local or global, solo or with others

Obedience (your deep "Yes" to God)

What is the seasonal task you feel called to?

What has God placed in your hands to be faithful with?

How do you embody Christ outwardly?

How does your faith find expression in the world?